A. Waheed Hamid Person-Info 

( Ich bin A. Waheed Hamid)


(1 - 4 von 20

Adel Imam survives fatal car accident | Al Bawaba

Prominent Egyptian comedian-actor Adel Imam came face to face with death when a sudden explosion was heard from the rear of his car on his way back from

Fertiliser companies resist urea import

Influx meant to bridge demand-supply gap, push prices down

By Waheed Hamid - Daily Times

ByWaheedHamid. By Waheed Hamid. Search Results. Major Jawad AfPak Hero — a tribute to a Shaheed. 18-Jun-16 views : Major Ali Jawad Changezi ...

Expensive gas blamed for high urea prices - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

And this is in addition to the GST,” said Waheed Hamid of Fauji Fertiliser, speaking on behalf of the industry. “This is in contrast to the fertiliser ...
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