Abdul Jamil Junbish Person-Info 

( Ich bin Abdul Jamil Junbish)


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Military Flair Up Between India and Pakistan See Both Sides Blaming...

... they were not allowed to shot at those involved in the hooliganism. He appreciated the services of former police chief Jamil Junbish. End.

Gunmen seize Kabul bank, battle police - UPI.com

Pre-election violence gripped Afghanistan Wednesday as gunmen battled police in Kabul and a heavy security lid was clamped onto the capital, officials said.

BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Afghan police in major shake-up

The Afghan president sacks dozens of senior police officials, days after anti-US rioting in Kabul.

Afghans demand arrests in crash - The Globe and Mail

The Globe and Mail offers the most authoritative news in Canada, featuring national and international news
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Vorname "Jamil" (595)
Name "Junbish" (1)
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