Abdulrahman Khan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Abdulrahman Khan)


(1 - 4 von 7

Saudi newspaper runs story on Wagner College Eid Al-Adha celebration...

The student Abdulrahman Khan, a member of the Muslim Student Association, led the prayer. The student Yousef Alrajhi, one of the celebration ...

Energy Down the Drain, York Festival of Ideas

The guided tour is led by Professor James Chong, James Robson, Kimberley Barnes, Yumechris Amekan, Annabel Cansdale and Abdulrahman Khan from the ...

The Afghan Boundary Commission (1885)

The Kazi Saad-ud-din, representative of the Amen Abdulrahman Khan, the ruler of Afghanistan, with a camp of his own and an Afghan escort, ...

Federal judge dismisses Yemen drone strike lawsuit - JURIST - News

Three US born al Qaeda leaders and propagandists al-Awlaki Khan [JURIST news archive], his son Abdulrahman Khan and Samir Khan, were ...
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