Abqari Abdul Fattah Person-Info 

( Ich bin Abqari Abdul Fattah)


(1 - 4 von 25

Spiegel.de: The Battle against Gadhafi: NATO Fears War without End in Libya -...

The front in Libya is barely moving as the country remains split between rebels and Gadhafi's troops. The rebels are complaining of not receiving enough air...

Abdul Fattah al-Sisi: New face of Egypt's old guard - BBC News

Robert Springborg of the Naval Postgraduate School looks at the rise of rather mysterious Field Marshal Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, and considers how and for what...

Imam Abdul Fattah Twakkal calls for Yahoo News Canadaca.news.yahoo.com › imam-abdul-fattah-twakkal-ca...

· Imam Abdul Fattah Twakkal of the London Muslim Mosque, during remarks on Tuesday night, called on all officials to commit to fight all forms ...
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