Adam Harun Person-Info 

( Ich bin Adam Harun)


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12 Dev Adam bayrağı gençlere devrediyor
[Zaman] - Bu yıl epey bir eksik olsa da (İbrahim Kutluay, Mehmet Okur, Harun Erdenay) takımı yine Hidayet ve Kerem taşıyacak. Peki gençler nerede?

Saudi native charged with fighting for al Qaeda - CNN
· Ibrahim Suleiman Adnan Adam Harun, known better to authorities by his nickname ”Spin Ghul,” will be taken to federal court in Brooklyn on ...

Al Qaeda suspect awaits trial, warned 'war is not over' - CNN
Ibrahim Suleiman Adnan Adam Harun, who awaits trial on federal charges in New York, had "threatened to kill" court personnel, according to a ...

Al Qaeda operative sentenced to life in prison - CNN
Al Qaeda operative Ibrahim Suleiman Adnan Adam Harun was sentenced to life in prison on Friday in New York City.
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