Ahmed Hamdani Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ahmed Hamdani)


(1 - 4 von 13

I`m Meer`s fan, Ghalib`s partisan —Ahmed Hamdani - DAWN.COM

As a young radio producer, Ahmed Hamdani entered the studio “empty-handed” the day the then director-general of Radio Pakistan, Z.A. ...

H.I.G. Capital übernimmt das Shopping Center Plaza Éboli in Madrid ...

Ahmed Hamdani, Managing Director bei H.I.G. in London ... Dallas, San Francisco und Atlanta sowie international in Hamburg, London, ...

Ahmed Hamdani - Real Estate Capital

Ahmed Hamdani. Managing Director HIG International Advisors. Ahmed is a Managing Director of Bayside Capital and Co-Head of the firm's Real Estate ... Es fehlt: trier

Bayside Capital spends $800m on chemical tankers | TradeWinds

Bayside's UK managing director, Ahmed Hamdani, says the firm is looking to take its investment in stainless-steel tankers to around the $1bn.
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