Alberto Laddomada Person-Info 

( Ich bin Alberto Laddomada)


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EDITORIAL: Bugged about bees - Washington Times
Beware an environmental activist bearing a solution. Not so long ago, the government ordered Big Oil to pump methyl tert-butyl ether, or MTBE, into gasoline...

alberto laddomada | Libero 24x7
La percentuale dei sieropositivi ha spiegato il direttore generale dell'IZS, Alberto Laddomada è più bassa rispetto ai precedenti abbattimenti, da poco...

Schmallenberg spread a warning to Europe, scientists say | Reuters
The outbreak of a new livestock disease in western Europe last year, particularly harmful to offspring, could move further into areas surrounding the worst...

A vet's battle against the Schmallenberg virus
Cattle farmers are facing a tense wait to discover the impact the Schmallenberg virus has had on their herds as the disease continues to affect more farms.
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Name "Laddomada" (4)
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