Alessandro Nanni Person-Info 

( Ich bin Alessandro Nanni)


World's first lung transplant on HIV patient performed - ReutersReuters
— “This is an important event in the progress of transplants,” Alessandro Nanni Costa, director of Italy's National Transplant Centre, ... › article

LOI-90 SWFA_Jing.pptxFermi National Accelerator Laboratory (.gov)
... Kim Nichols, John Lewellen,, Vasili M. Tsakanov, Chuanxiang Tang, Richard J. Temkin, Emilio Alessandro Nanni, Spencer Gessner, Carl B. Schroeder. › contributions › attachments

UK Accelerator Institutes Seminar Series Winter CERN
16:15, THz Accelerators and their Application to Ultrafast Electron Diffraction - Emilio Alessandro Nanni (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, ... › timetable
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