Alexa Posny Person-Info 

( Ich bin Alexa Posny)


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Former assistant U.S. education secretary, Kansas ...The Topeka Capital-Journal
— Former U.S. assistant secretary of education for special education and Kansas education commissioner Alexa Posny will be working with Topeka ...

Guardian: America leads the way on support for disabled childrenThe Guardian

— Alexa Posny, Obama's adviser on disabled young people, gives her verdict on the UK's changes to special needs provision.

Dr. Alexa Posny, U.S. Department of Education, and Andrea ...Prince George's County Public Schools
— Alexa Posny, U.S. Department of Education, and Andrea Cernich, Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition, Visit Oxon Hill ES ...

DLM News ArchiveDynamic Learning Maps
... cognitive disabilities,” said Alexa Posny, assistant secretary for special education and rehabilitative services at the Department of Education.
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Person "Posny" (1)
Vorname "Alexa" (3544)
Name "Posny" (19)
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