Ali Mousa Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ali Mousa)


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Psychosis patients 'not getting best care' - BBC News
Ali Mousa's first episode of psychosis lasted a fortnight. "I thought musicians were trying to induct me into some sort of secret society," he says.

Commercial Bank of Kuwait to convert to Islamic banking -KUNA |...
Commercial Bank of Kuwait, the Gulf state's fifth largest lender by assets, said a majority of shareholders had approved a plan to convert the bank into a...

Commercial Bank of Kuwait to convert to Islamic banking | Banking –...
Commercial Bank of Kuwait chairman quoted as saying that 85% of shareholders had approved the move

Guardian: Iraqis take fight for 'torture' inquiry to high court | Law | The...

Civilians will complain that ill-treatment occurred in British-controlled detention facilities in Iraq in the aftermath of the war
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