Alice Dietsch Person-Info 

( Ich bin Alice Dietsch)


(1 - 4 von 30

Guardian: Architect Amanda Levete: ‘We have a responsibility to be radical and...

On the eve of her company’s new V&A gallery, the woman whose steely vision has earned her reverence and suspicion talks about her passion for public spaces

Art: Reviews, advice & recommendations - Page 75
By Caroline Roux 3 Jun 2017, 8:00am. Amanda Levete, Alice Dietsch, Rachel Harris, Carolina Bartram and Alice Blair ... › art

Space and Experience | architektur.aktuell
... Graz), Alice Dietsch (AL__A, London), Gert Kwekkeboom (Civic Architects, Amsterdam), Mark Neuner (mostlikely, Wien), Claudia Pasquero (ecoLogicStudio, ...
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