Alice Hogge Person-Info 

( Ich bin Alice Hogge)


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Incendiary stuff - Telegraph
Helen Brown reviews Remember Remember the Fifth of November by James Sharpe, God's Secret Agents by Alice Hogge and Gunpowder by James Travers.

BBC Two - Portillo's State Secrets, Traitors and Spies, Exclusive...
Alice Hogge tells Michael about the sense of rejoicing after Guy Fawkes' execution.

Torch of The Faith: Aedificabuntur in te deserta saeculorum
However, we think that the historian Alice Hogge may be rather closer to the mark, in her captivating narrative history God's Secret Agents (2005), ...

LibraryAware November 2018
You might also like: Alice Hogge's God's Secret Agents, which outlines the fraught, fluid relationship between the British monarchy and its Catholic subjects in ...
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Arthur Baer
Vorname "Alice" (10338)
Name "Hogge" (125)
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