Alice Lopez Person-Info 

( Ich bin Alice Lopez)


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St. David's Ties Now Restored To History
[Bernews] - Work conducted by Alice Lopez and other Native American leaders to revive cultural links between East Coast tribes and their descendants in St. David's

Alice Lopez, 49, advocate for Mashpee Wampanoag
[Boston Globe] - By Bryan Marquard As director of the Mashpee Wampanoag Housing Department, Alice Lopez tried to ensure that all her people had housing in their homeland on

Gretna seniors kick up their heels at holiday party
[] - Alice Lopez, a St. Joseph Apartments resident, said, “We've been coming to this party for a long time and have enjoyed every minute of it.

Wrongful-conviction suit can’t be tossed because of man’s death: judge
“Because the claim was verified by Alice Lopez, and not William Lopez, it must be dismissed,” an assistant attorney general had argued.
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