Allan Leighton Person-Info 

( Ich bin Allan Leighton)


IoD chair hits out at City scheme for annual board elections
[Independent] - Mr Bain was Royal Mail chairman from to when his contract ended. He was replaced by former Asda boss Allan Leighton.

IPO candidate Pandora expands board
[London South East] which is seen as a likely candidate for a bourse listing and IPO, has appointed five new board members including British businessman Allan Leighton

Google News: Stifter forlader Pandoras bestyrelse

[Børsen Online] - De resterende nye bestyrelsesmedlemmer er britten Allan leighton, amerikaneren Andrea Alvey og italieneren Marcello V. Bottoli, der alle har erfaring fra
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Vorname "Allan" (2794)
Name "Leighton" (126)
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