Amar Abass Person-Info 

( Ich bin Amar Abass)


(1 - 4 von 11

'Inspirational' Blackburn community pioneer dies aged 90 | Lancashire...
AN ‘inspirational’ Asian community pioneer who fought with British troops in the Second World War has died.

NZZ: «Timbuktu steht unter Schock»

... Wie ein Stellvertreter des Bürgermeisters von Timbuktu am Samstag sagte, steckten sie das Mausoleum des Heiligen Sidi Mahmud Ben Amar in Brand. ...

Why it's the taking part that counts | The Independent | The...
New initiatives aim to involve children and young people in the political process and increase voter turnout at the next election. By Michael Durham

The Muslim News
Amar Abass. Noted here for his pioneering civic work, Amar led a project to record and communicate the contribution of Muslim veterans of the Second World ...
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Alexander Todd
Vorname "Amar" (934)
Name "Abass" (329)
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