Amdad Hossain Khan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Amdad Hossain Khan)


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Ustad Shahadat Hossain Khan: Requiem for the Unsung Maestro › opinion › news › ustad-shah...
Ustad Shahadat Hossain Khan's initiation to classical music took place at the age of 7 when his grandfather presented him with a miniature sarod.

Taxi drivers furious at Coventry bus lane ban - CoventryLive
CAB drivers have hit out at the city council after being barred from using a bus lane in Coventry.

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Arts Illiana - DePauw Performing Arts Series: Khan Trio — Ustad...
DePauw Performing Arts Series: Khan Trio — Ustad Shahadat Hossain Khan & Tanim Hayat Khan, sarod, & Ustad Yousuf Ali Khan tabla. When. 25 Nov
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