Amelie Michalke Person-Info 

( Ich bin Amelie Michalke)


(1 - 4 von 41
) Kultureller Jahresrückblick Kulturbüro Königsbrunn - › Bayern › Königsbrunn › Kultur

Königsbrunner Campus mit Dr. Tobias Gaugler und Amelie Michalke, Foto: Kulturbüro Königsbrunn - Kulturbüro Königsbrunn - Bild 34 aus Beitrag: Kultureller ...

Organic meat is just as bad for the environment, study says
· “The prices are lying,” said Amelie Michalke, a University of Greifswald researcher who took part in the study. “Climate costs are rising ...

Guardian: Organic meat production just as bad for climate, study finds | Meat...

Analysis also found the lowest impact meat was still far more damaging than the worst plant foods

Markets for Mankind - Aktuelles
Februar 2019; Verleihung des „Forschungspreis BioLebensmittel“ (FoBiLe 2018) für die „Beste Bachelorarbeit“ an Amelie Michalke (Betreuer: Dr. Tobias ...
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