Amir Mansoor Person-Info 

( Ich bin Amir Mansoor)


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Taz: Neu aufgetauchtes IS-Exekutionsvideo: Drohungen gegen Großbritannien...

Der „Islamische Staat“ filmt die Hinrichtung von „Spionen“. Zugleich droht er mit Anschlägen in Großbritannien. Französische Jets bombardieren IS-Stellungen in...

Officials: Pakistan arrests 42 alleged ISIS supporters | The Seattle...
· ... include purported IS Islamabad chief Amir Mansoor, his deputy Abdullah Mansoori and the group's chief for Sindh province, Umer Kathio.

Few details left in Iran-Pakistan gas deal -
There are only minor details left to resolve before Iran and Pakistan commit to sweeping oil and gas deals, the Pakistani natural resources minister said.

Iran's Judiciary Criticized Over Execution Of Amir Mansoor Arya...
The lawyer of Mahafarid Khosravi, the CEO of Amir Mansoor Arya Investment Company, claims that his client was executed without any notice.
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