Amr Abu Person-Info 

( Ich bin Amr Abu)


Prammer trifft palästinensischen Außenminister Ziad Abu-Amr Abu-Amr:...
Der neue palästinensische Außenminister Ziad Abu-Amr, der sich auf Einladung von Außenministerin Plassnik vom 3. bis 5. April zu einem offiziellen Besuch in...

City Walk - Shubra | Amr Abu Tawila, Shaima Ashour and Shurfa | Cairo...
Guided tour through Shubra featuring its social and urban history and its important buildings. Written history tells of what has happened as mentioned in...

Egypt needs an export culture: Head of Engineering Exports Council -...
The head of Egypt’s Engineering Exports Council, Amr Abu Freikha, tells Niveen Wahish that there is more to exporting than the product alone

We Are Not Numbers! || Home is where the heart is
Home is where the heart is
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Vorname "Amr" (747)
Name "Abu" (752)
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