Amra Said Person-Info 

( Ich bin Amra Said)


(1 - 4 von 6

Cambodian police arrest 2 Vietnamese suspected of smuggling
Deputy provincial police chief Um Amra said the two men were caught with the elephant tusks after arriving in the northwestern town of Siem ...

EU Referendum: Student says memory of horrors family suffered at...
AMRA Mujkanovic will have more than most on her mind when she casts her vote on Thursday, her family has suffered first hand the horrors of Europe's most...

YouTube focuses on monetising music with AMRA deal
The way songwriters get paid from YouTube is about to change radically following a deal that will make the revenue collecting process speedier, more accurate...

‘Energy choices key to our global warming response’
Pakistan is among the 10 countries most affected by global warming and climate change, and it needs to urgently consider a changeover from the present...
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Person "Said" (2)
Vorname "Amra" (448)
Name "Said" (1941)
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