Andre Molenaar Person-Info 

( Ich bin Andre Molenaar)

News Straßen aus Plastik: Rotterdam plant Teststrecke - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Nie wieder Schlaglöcher und Baustellenstaus: Ein niederländisches Unternehmen will den Straßenbau revolutionieren - mit Fahrbahnen aus Plastik.

Long Lesion Study Demonstrates SUPERA Stent Efficacy in SFA and...
NOORDWIJKERHOUT, Netherlands and WEBSTER, Texas, May 17, PRNewswire/ -- IDEV Technologies announced today that data from a long lesion study of

Long-Lesion Study Supports IDev's Supera Stent to Treat SFA and...
The data were based on an analysis by Andre Molenaar, MD, and Peter Haarbrink, MD, and presented at the Vaatdagen (Vascular Days) conference in Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands. According to the company, patients were treated and followed during a 2-year period. They represented an ...

Long lesion study demonstrates Supera stent efficacy in superficial › News
— The data were presented at the Vaatdagen (Vascular Days) conference based on analysis by Andre Molenaar and Peter Haarbrink, ...
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Lucas Smith
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Name "Molenaar" (141)
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