Andreas Jaffé Person-Info 

( Ich bin Andreas Jaffé)

News Wer's glaubt, wird selig - DER SPIEGEL

— ANDREAS JAFFÉ. Ihr Artikel ist ein Aufguss des uralten Streits zwischen Materialismus und Idealismus. Die Frage also, ob Geist durch Materie ... › Politik

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | From the space race to human race
We need to recapture the spirit and drive that took us into space and use it to save the planet.

'Will US policy on Africa change?' diff viewer (4/5) - News Sniffer
Andreas Jaffe, Krefeld, Germany, I believe Mr Obama was right in pointing out that helping African farmers supply their own markets with their ...

Obama speech: Your reaction - BBC News UK
— Andreas Jaffe, Krefeld, Germany. Obama says that Africa must take charge. If this is truly the case, why is he still promising more aid? › talking_point
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