University im Yasni Exposé von Andreas Sputtek

(3213 seit 02.07.2008)


Land: Deutschland, Telefon: +49 421 20720, Sprache: Englisch
Ich biete: Science regarding i) physico-chemical properties and mechanisms of action of cryoprotectants, especially non-penetrating carbohydrates, development and improvement of cryopreservation techniques for a variety of blood cells (peripheral blood stem cell progenitors, erythrocytes, thrombocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes) for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes, ii) bioartificial liver replacement using cryopreserved hepatocytes, iii) peptide-coupled peripheral blood mononuclear cells for induction of immunotolerance in multiple sclerosis patients, iv) Effect of CD133 positive autologous bone marrow derived stem cells for improving ventricular function, Keywords: cryobiology, low temperature biology, transfusion medicine, hematology, immunology, multiple sclerosis, ventricular function, cryopreservation, freezing, thawing, cryoprotectants, hydroxyethyl starch, glycerol, dimethyl sulfoxide, peripheral blood stem progenitor cells, red blood cells, platelets, lymphocytes, mononuclear cells
Andreas Sputtek @ MVZ Medizinisches Labor Bremen GmbH, Bremen

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Andreas Sputtek: Cryobiology, Transfusion Medicine, Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Chemistry, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Medical Care Unit Laboratory Limbach Neumuenster - Home
Andreas Sputtek @ Bremen
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CV Andreas Sputtek

Curriculum Vitae   Name: Andreas Sputtek   Academic title: Dr. med.   Education: 1974-1979 Study of and intermediate diploma in Chemistry, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany; 1979-1985 Study of Human Medicine, RWTH Aachen University, Germany   Qualifications: i) Board certified «laboratory medicine» 11/2016; ii) Board certified «transfusion medicine» 04/2000; iv) «JACIE Inspector»  06/2008;; authorization for further training in laboratory medicine 06/2021   Appointments: Since 2017 Medical Labratory Bremen, Bremen, Germany, Authorized Officer 2015-2016 Center for Laboratory Medicine and Microbiology, Essen, Germany, Chief Resident 2013-2014 Limbach Laboratories Neumuenster, Neumuenster, Germany, Medical Director 1994-2012 Institute of Transfusion Medicine, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany; Head hematopoietic stem cell processing (01/1996 - 12/2012), ii) Qualified Person («Sachkundige Person §14 AMG», 06/2012 - 12/2012), iii) Head quality control laboratory (01/1994 - 12/2012), iv) Head red cell compatibility testing laboratory (05/2009-10/2011). 1985-1993 Helmholtz-Institute for Biomedical Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Germany; Research Assistant/Fellow   Awards: i) «Wilhelm Borchers Plakette» for summa cum laude MD thesis defense, 1990 ii) «Friedrich Wilhelm Preis» for outstanding scientific dissertation thesis, 1991   Scientific societies: i) Society for Cryobiology (SFC), Bethesda, MD, USA, since 1991; Treasurer, 1996-1997; Governor, 1998-2003; President-Elect, 2004-2005; President, 2006-2007; Past President, 2008-2009; Secretary, 2010-2011; Governor, 2012-2014; ii) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transfusionsmedizin und Immunhämatologie (DGTI), since 1991; Editorial Office "Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy", 1997-2005; iii) Society for Low Temperature Biology (SLTB), London, UK, since 1994; Committee Member, 1996-2002; Meetings Secretary, 1999-2002; Chairman, 2002-2005; iv) Institute International du Froid (IIR), Paris, France, since 1996; Working Member Commission C1 (Freeze-drying, Cryobiology, Medical Applications), since 2002; v) American Association of Blood Banks (AABB), 1996-2007; vi) European Association of Tissue Banks (EATB), 1996-2007; vii) International Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT), 1998-2007;   Editorial boards: i) Cryobiology, since 1996; ii) CryoLetters, 2001-2004; since 2007; iii) Biopreservation and Biobanking, 2002-2015; reservation-and-biobanking-formerly-cell-pres ervation-technology/110/ iv) Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy, 2006-2020;   Meetings: i) Member Local Organizing Committee: CRYO 1988, 25th Annual Meeting Society for Cryobiology, Aachen ii) Local Organizer & Conference Chair: 1997 Spring Meeting Society for Low Temperature Biology, Hamburg (sponsored by German Science Foundation, DFG) iii) Local Organizer & Conference Chair: CRYO 2006, 43rd Annual Meeting Society for Cryobiology, Hamburg (sponsored by German Science Foundation, DFG); /CRYO2006_ProgramAbstracts.pdf   Government funded research projects: i) Federal Ministry of Defense (BMVg): Blood replacement by cryopreserved red blood cell concentrates: effect on blood and plasma rheology, microcirculation and tissue oxygenation, 1988-1993 ii) Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF): Replacement of a pyrogen test in rabbits by an in vitro whole blood test, 2000-2003 iii) Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF): Established immunotolerance in MS patients (ETIMS), 2010   Scientific interest: i) Physico-chemical properties and mechanisms of action of cryoprotectants, especially non-penetrating carbohydrates; development and improvement of cryopreservation techniques for a variety of blood cells (peripheral blood stem cell progenitors, erythrocytes, thrombocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes) for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. ii) Bioartificial liver replacement using cryopreserved hepatocytes iii) Peptide-coupled peripheral blood mononuclear cells for induction of immunotolerance in multiple sclerosis patients iv) Effect of CD133 positive autologous bone marrow derived stem cells for improving left ventricular function   Publications: 74 scientific papers in journals and book chapters (35 PubMed listed, 36 first author), 135 abstracts in peer reviewed journals, 2 international patents   August 25, 2021 (c) Andreas Sputtek
Andreas Sputtek @ Bremen
yasni 06.08.09  +  

Vitamin B-12-fortified toothpaste improves vitamin status in › portal › publications

... Saarland University Hospital, Department of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Building 57, 66421 Homburg/Saar, Germany. ,; Andreas Sputtek, ...
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Andreas Sputtek @ MVZ Medizinisches Labor Bremen GmbH, Bremen

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