Andrei Marius Faur Person-Info 

( Ich bin Andrei Marius Faur)


(1 - 4 von 15

Florin Faur, fost şef al APIA în perioada , revine la › economie › stiri-economice
· Florin Marius Faur este, din 2006, director executiv al APIA Timiş şi a mai ocupat postul de director general al APIA între şi După ce ...

Summer Academy: "Empire" and Diversity: The Habsburg Monarchy in the...
Andrei Faur (Cluj-Napoca) - Freizeitgestaltung und Vereinsleben im 19. Jahrhundert in Siebenbürgen und im Banat: Städtisches Leben in Hermannstadt und Temeswar

Florin Marius Faur takes helm of APIA as general director - Business...
· Florin Marius Faur (pictured) will take on the position of general director within the Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture (APIA),

Maismehl - RO-Bucuresti
Ausschreibung: Maismehl Straßentransport/
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