Andres Egli Person-Info 

( Ich bin Andres Egli)


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It's Tennis Street | The Daily Star
American James Blake often thinks how he could be slaving away for long hours on Wall Street rather than earning his living on the men's tennis tour. The...

NZZ: Mehr Mitsprache im Hochschulgebiet | NZZ

Die Stadt Zürich soll bei der Planung der Gloriastrasse im Hochschulgebiet mehr mitreden – obwohl sie eigentlich nichts zu sagen hat. Der Gemeinderat stellte...

Guardian: Hewitt shoots from lip | Tennis | The Guardian

Lleyton Hewitt was embroiled in a racist controversy over remarks he made about his opponent, James Blake, and a linesman, Marion Johnson, both African...

Top 10 un-PC sporting gaffes | Metro News
On the day Sir Stirling Moss declared women lack the mental aptitude to be F1 drivers, here's a look back at ten other foot-in-mouth moments from the bigoted...
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