Andy Levin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Andy Levin)


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Google News: Some 'real' Dems to pick from

[City Pulse] - Department of Energy, Labor and Economic Growth — Andy Levin, the acting director. Granholm kept around a couple of Engler holdovers upon taking office.

Google News: One Week: The Political Landscape of the Michigan State House and Senate

[Swing State Project] - District 13 (eastern Oakland County), the site of an epic race between Andy Levin and John Papageorge, has a strong Democratic challenger in Aaron

Andy Levin, Steve Bieda launch campaigns for Levin’s seat | The...
Andy Levin of Bloomfield Township and Sen. Steve Bieda of Warren announced their candidacies Wednesday for the Democratic-leaning 9th ...

United Auto Workers backing Michigan Rep. Andy Levin for labor › politics › united-auto-workers-...
· The United Auto Workers International Union has recommended that President-​elect Joe Biden appoint Rep. Andy Levin to be labor secretary, ...
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