Anke Assmann Person-Info 

( Ich bin Anke Assmann)


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Program | › events › program-2
10:40, 11:20, Anke Assmann (Leipzig University), Interclausal Agreement: Switch Reference in Quechua. 11:20, 11:50, Break. 11:50, 12:

In Type 2 Diabetes, Mitochondrial Damage Kills Insulin-Producing Cells
Over time, patients with type 2 diabetes lose insulin-producing cells, a difficulty that aggravates their disease. Researchers at Joslin Diabetes Center now hav

How Insulin-Producing Beta Cells Grow and Function
New Joslin Diabetes Center-Led study reveals new findings on how insulin-producing beta cells grow and function. Findings one day may lead to advances in treatm

Markt DöTLINGEN: Von der Feen-Erdwerkstatt bis zum Designerteddy
Rund um den Dötlinger Lopshof bestimmen am kommenden Sonntag, 10. Juni, 11 bis 17 Uhr, insgesamt 16 Kunsthandwerkerinnen und Kunsthandwerker
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