Ann John Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ann John)


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Ann John: I was branded a colonialist for fighting against
28. März · March 28, Ann John is reading aloud from some of the letters she received after first speaking out against female genital mutilation in London. “Twisted mutilated bwana… the champion of...

BEVERLEY ANN JOHN (Formerly MURRY) | Bournemouth › 1...
BEVERLEY ANN JOHN (Formerly MURRY). 0 comment. JOHN (formerly Murry) BEVERLY ANN Died peacefully on 17th August

'Arrests give me hope', says mum of Sally Ann John | Swindon...
THE MOTHER of missing Sally Ann John has said the first arrests in connection with her daughters death have given her hope.

Couple Celebrates 80th Wedding Anniversary, Shares Secrets to Lasting...
Ann and John Betar, 97 and 101, will celebrate their 80th wedding anniversary Sunday, Nov. 25, a rare milestone. After five children, 14 grandchildren...
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Person "John" (32)
Vorname "Ann" (9078)
Name "John" (5898)
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