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Ottawa Sun letters to the editor: April 21Ottawa Sun
— Anne Bochen. Via (The non-partisan Auditor General of Ontario has described McGuinty's experiment with renewable energy as a ...

Today's letters: Romney would be good for CanadaNational Post
— Anne Bochen, Toronto. — I think Barack Obama is great for Canada. Another four years of his misguided fumbling and the Detroit river will — Anne Bochen, Toronto. Fighting Internet addiction. Re: Keep It Charged, Rebecca Tucker, March 5. Are you still reading newspapers or rushing ...

Ottawa Sun letters to the editor, Nov. 11 | Ottawa Sun
Anne Bochen, Scarborough, VIA E-MAIL. (When a sitting mayor, who is the city's chief magistrate, smokes crack and then lies about it, claiming ...

Do you believe in a God? | National Post
Last week, Letters Editor Paul Russell asked readers if they believed in a god, and to explain why or why not. Here are some of the 75-word responses we...
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