Anne Brooker Person-Info 

( Ich bin Anne Brooker)


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Fears over the future of Grange Leisure in Stratton | Swindon...
UNHAPPY Stratton residents grilled leisure centre managers over proposed changes to their community hub at a packed public consultation.

Earl Wesley Wade, Jo Anne Brooker marriage -
Clipping found in The Palm Beach Post in West Palm Beach, Florida on Oct 29, Earl Wesley Wade, Jo Anne Brooker marriage

Two Minnesota Youth Honored for Volunteerism at National Award...
Former First Lady Laura Bush Pays Tribute to Young Heroes as Part of Four-Day Recognition Events Two Minnesota students, Anne Brooker, 18, of Minneapolis

A message from Anne Brooker, Churchwarden at St John the Baptist...
The Life and Responsibilities of a Northwood Churchwarden in the Eighteenth Century . The wardens were at the centre of life in the parish at this time, together with the Minister, Overseers of the Poor, the Waywardens and Church Vestry. They described themselves proudly as Yeomen in the Parish ...
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