Anne Mathias Person-Info 

( Ich bin Anne Mathias)


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Anne Mathias - Bio, News, Photos - Washington Times
Latest news and commentary on Anne Mathias including photos, videos, quotations, and a biography.

U.S. gun lobby misses mark in Democrat-led Senate | Reuters
U.S. Senate Democrats stood up to the powerful gun lobby on Wednesday and rejected legislation to permit firearm owners to carry concealed weapons across state...

USA:n korkein oikeus liikkunee oikealle, mutta silti päätökset voivat...
Presidenttinä Trump nimittää puuttuvan tuomarin heti kautensa alussa

Guardian: Our libraries – our right to a say | Libraries | The Guardian

Letters: At a hundred read-ins communities, user groups and librarians have demonstrated in creative, fun ways just how much their libraries mean to them
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