Annie Kirschner Person-Info 

( Ich bin Annie Kirschner)


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Guardian: Hunger in America: 'When your eldest child skips meals, it's no › aug › hun...

Annie Kirschner, executive director of Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon, said Knight's diet is typical of families struggling to find money.

1958 Annie Kirschner obit -
Clipping found in The La Marque Times in La Marque, Texas on Dec 31, Annie Kirschner obit

Celebrating Patti's Legacy (Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon) -...
... is thrilled to announce our new Executive Director: Annie Kirschner (Source: Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon ) Annie Kirschner

50,000 Oregon households may lose food stamps to Trump policy change
“If they go through with this, the impact would be devastating for Oregon,” said Annie Kirschner, executive director of Partners for a Hunger-Free ...
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