English im Yasni Exposé von Ants Krinka

(1747 seit 12.08.2010)


Geburtsname: Krinka, Spitzname: akrinka, Land: Schweiz, Telefon: +3727367162, Handy: +3725142864, Messenger: antskrinka, E-Mail: antskrinka (at) yahoo.com, Sprache: Englisch
Ich biete: English to Estonian, Russian to Estonian expert level translations. Fields of expertise: Pharmaceutical patents (MAIN), pharmacy, medicine, biotechnology, molecular biology, biochemistry, organic chemistry. Knife fighting techniques and defense against knife attacks (based on Russian Spetsnaz experience). Qi Gong and Ba Gua Zhang. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome relieving by Chinese massage and acutherapy.
Ants Krinka @ Freelancer, Ahornstrasse 43, Basel

2 Bilder von Ants

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Ants Krinka @ Ahornstrasse 43, Basel
Jan 13  +
Ants Krinka @ Ahornstrasse 43, Basel
Jan 13  +

31 Informationen zu Ants Krinka

Translator of pharmaceutical patents from English and Russian to Estonian.

Language pairs: English to Estonian and Russian to Estonian.My main area of expertise is pharmaceutical patents.My fields of expertise include: medicine (general, pharmaceuticals, instruments); patents (pharmaceutical); biology (biotechnology, molecular biology, biochemistry, transgenic [animal] technologies); chemistry (biochemistry, organic chemistry, organic synthesis) and also environment and ecology. Rates: English to Estonian: 0.10 - 0.15 EUR per word Russian to Estonian: 0.09 - 0.12 EUR per word
Ants Krinka @ Ahornstrasse 43, Basel
yasni 03.02.13  +  

in English - ERIS - Eesti teadus- ja arendustegevuse infosüsteem

Ants Krinka. is involved in projects. no, reg no, project title, institution, position, duration. 1. SF0222601As03, Molecular biology of cancer: molecular ...
eris.ee 18.08.10  +  

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Ants Krinka @ Freelancer, Ahornstrasse 43, Basel

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