Anya Hohnbaum Person-Info 

( Ich bin Anya Hohnbaum)


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Awyr las: Canmol i'r cymylau - BBC › welsh › low › newsid_
Cafodd tabl ei greu gan Anya Hohnbaum, ar ran Expedia, ac aeth i 20 o wledydd mewn 72 o ddiwrnodau, gan deithio 64,000 o filltiroedd.

Can Wales boast the bluest skies in the world? - › ... › Iceland Foods Ltd
· Phileas Fogg went around the world in 80 days but explorer Anya Hohnbaum has circumnavigated the globe twice in 75 days, on a mission to ...

globo: Rio tem o céu mais azul do mundo, segundo pesquisa - Jornal O Globo

A produtora de televisão Anya Hohnbaum, uma escocesa de 28 anos, foi quem executou a pesquisa. Ela viajou pelo mundo durante 72 dias, ...

Guardian: Bluer than blue | Travel | The › travel › blog › jul › bluerth...

· Four months ago, after an exhaustive trawl of 2,000 applicants, 27-year-old Anya Hohnbaum from Glasgow was chosen to be online travel ...
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