April Decker Person-Info 

( Ich bin April Decker)


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The living hell of a man who orgasms 100 times a day - New York Postnypost.com › › the-living-hell-of-the-m...

· Dale Decker with wife April DeckerBarcroft Media. “Imagine being on your knees at your father's funeral beside his casket, saying goodbye to ...

Dale Decker has 100 orgasms a day | Metro News

'Imagine being on your knees at your father's funeral beside his casket - saying goodbye to him and then you have nine orgasms right there.'

100 orgasmi al giorno: l'incubo di Dale Decker

Autore: Mariangela Campo | | Dale Decker ha 100 orgasmi al giorno: se per alcuni può sembrare un sogno, per lui è un vero e proprio incubo

37-year-old man suffers from 100 orgasms a day since being involved...

Dale and April Decker. By: Anika Rao. (Scroll down for video) While having an orgasm seems like a positive thing for many, one man is ...
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