Art Attack Person-Info 

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(1 - 4 von 20

Aachen: Jugendliche blasen zur Attacke beim „Art Attack”-Festival
Am Wochenende wurde auf dem Lindenplatz zur Attacke geblasen. Denn freie Initiativen und Einrichtungen der Kinder und Jugendkultur in Aachen hatten alle...

Guardian: Art attack | Arts

Art attack. On Banksy's website, readers are reminded that Israel's 425-mile-long West Bank barrier, separating Israel from the Palestinian territories, ...

China is risking an economic art attack
Chinese art collectors are paying higher and higher prices for paintings, just like the Japanese did before their economy stalled

Art Attack - The › events › art-attack
The artists at the Northrup King Building have been hard at work and are ready for visitors for Art Attack weekend, taking place on all four floors of the ...
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