Asadullah Rasuli Person-Info 

( Ich bin Asadullah Rasuli)


(1 - 4 von 8

Afghan soldiers seen as outsiders in crucial southern region; many...
"I will stay in the army until our country is safe," said Asadullah Rasuli, a 20-year-old Uzbek from northern Jowzjan province. "We are the same ...

Short film 'Roqaia' going in 76th Venice International Film ...
The lead roles of the film are portrayed by Roqia Rasuli, Gavhar Taj Salmanian, Asadullah Rasuli and Qorban Ali Salmanian. The 76th Venice International ... › 'R...

Afghan Army Struggles With Ethnic Divisions - CBS News
— "I will stay in the army until our country is safe," said Asadullah Rasuli, a 20-year-old Uzbek from northern Jowzjan province. › news

Afghan army struggles with ethnic divisions - NBC News
— "I will stay in the army until our country is safe," said Asadullah Rasuli, a 20-year-old Uzbek from northern Jowzjan province. › wbna3...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Asadullah Rasuli
Vorname "Asadullah" (29)
Name "Rasuli" (69)
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