Asgeir Þór Jónsson Person-Info 

( Ich bin Asgeir Þór Jónsson)


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Kaupthing: "Bankensystem ausgelöscht" - manager magazin
Island und die Kaupthing-Bank haben eines gemeinsam - beide waren zuerst der Anlegerliebling, dann der Paria. Wie das geschehen konnte und wie es nun...

How did Iceland clean up its banks? - BBC News
What can we learn from Iceland, where the economy is bouncing back after the financial crisis?

Business Books: Economist answers question 'Why Iceland?' | Reuters
Brashness, self-assurance and an entrepreneurial spirit -- those traits transformed Iceland from a tiny fishing nation into an outsized investment fund that...

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Asgeir Jonsson Videos : Watch Asgeir Jonsson News Video
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