Atiq Mohammed Saeed Person-Info 

( Ich bin Atiq Mohammed Saeed)


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Türkei: USA und Türkei wappnen sich für Worst-Case-Szenario in Syrien
[Welt Online] - Unterdessen hätten syrische Truppen den dritten Tag in Folge Mörser- und Artilleriegranaten auf das im Norden von Damaskus gelegene Viertel Al-Tal abgefeuert, berichtete der dort ansässige Aktivist Mohammed Saeed. Dabei seien auch

Rebels fend off troops in Aleppo
[Deutsche Welle] - Local activist Mohammed Saeed said the opposition had managed to keep the tanks of Assad's troopers at bay with rocket-propelled grenades. "The army hasn't been able to take any neighborhoods yet, there are too many from the Free Syrian Army," he said

Rebels aim to liberate Aleppo
[Deutsche Welle] - The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and Aleppo-based activitist Mohammed Saeed said rebels are concentrating on several neighborhoods in Aleppo and that they control the central Salaheddine district and nearby Sakhour area. Saeed al-Sahaf lügt weiter | Telepolis

"Windows has no bugs", "Linux is a lie" und der FC St. Pauli steigt nicht ab Der komische Siegeszug des ehemaligen irakischen Infotainmentministers Mohammed Saeed …
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