Axel Just Person-Info 

( Ich bin Axel Just)


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Millstatt: Graffiti-Workshop zum Mitmachen | Kleine Zeitung
Verein KUNSTradeln veranstaltet Workshops mit dem Wiener Künstler Axel Just.

CA:2E(Synon) Freelancer gesucht? | 3 Experten verfügbar
Axel Just. verfügbar. AS/400 Cobol PHP +6. Forchheim · Sr. Software Developer. Andreas Kiss. nicht verfügbar bis › freelancer-verzeichnis

OLYMPIC ROUNDUP: American lands triple axel, U.S. takes gold in...
Mirai Nagasu became the first American woman — and third overall — to land a triple axel in the Olympics, accomplishing the rare feat in the women’s free skate...

First American woman lands triple axel in the Olympics
The 24-year-old from Montebello, California, skated first of the five women and led off her routine with the triple axel just 21 seconds in. The feat drew huge cheers from the crowd at the Gangneung Ice Arena. Japan's Midori Ito and Mao Asada also landed triple axels during the Olympics. Nagasu completed ...
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