Ayfer Inci Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ayfer Inci)


Taz: Türkisches Verfassungsreferendum: Doppelte Stimme in Frankfurt -...

Fast die Hälfte der in Deutschland lebenden Türk*innen beteiligte sich am Referendum zur Verfassungsreform. Nicht immer lief alles stimmig ab.

Turks in Germany sharply divided over Turkey’s referendum | The...

Acrimony has been rising among the Turks here whose votes are crucial in the tight race over whether to expand the powers of Turkish President Recep Tayyip...

Voting starts in Europe for Turkish referendum - BBC News

Ayfer Inci-Pekoz, who was handing out flyers in support of "no" in Berlin, told the Associated Press news agency : "This referendum scares me.

Turks in Germany sharply divided over referendum to expand...

The 1.4 million eligible Turkish voters in Germany represent about half the total number of expatriates who can cast ballots in the referendum on expanding the...
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