Bachar Khalife Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bachar Khalife)


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A new and improved Marcel Khalife comes to life on stage alongside...
In order to stay in the biz as long as he has, you need two things: incredible talent and the ability to keep reinventing yourself.

Marcel, Rami & Bachar Khalifé aux Détours de Babel - TéléObs
Sans qu'il soit nécessaire de remonter à la sagesse d'Aristote, la musique demeure le meilleur moyen d'adoucir les moeurs. Artiste libanais engagé pour la paix...

On stage | MO | | 19:30 -
Österreichs größtes Kultur- und Informationsmedium – Nachrichten, Journale, Reportagen, Radiokunst und Musik.

Guardian: Amira Medunjanin, the Balkan Billie Holiday | Folk music - The ...

— ... and the Lebanese percussionist Bachar Khalife. The driving force was the chemistry between Amira and Bojan Z. "It's incredibly hard to ... › jan
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