Bachir Boumaâza Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bachir Boumaâza)


(1 - 4 von 16

"World's Best Gamer" takes on a new mission: charity | CNN
Bachir Boumaaza, known as Athene, speaks with Poppy Harlow about how his Gaming for Good organization raises money to fund various philanthropic causes. - Transcripts
... did an about-face, aligning with the pro-austerity measures of Berlin and taking that path HARLOW: Well Bachir Boumaaza is used to taking on monsters.

'World’s Best Gamer' on how to turn a hobby into a profitable career...
For the “World's Best Gamer” Bachir Boumaaza, better known by his gaming handle “Athene,” gaming has become not only a profitable career, ...

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