Barbara Krissel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Barbara Krissel)


Endicott Daily Bulletin, 30 October — Page 5NY Historic Newspapers
,'leen;;' Myers, Barbara Krissel, Burdell Smith were co-hostesses. to Los Angeles, Calif., where the ...'Carol Hungerford; a n d for former's husband is ... ,'leen;;' Myers, Barbara Krissel, Burdell Smith were co-hostesses. to Los Angeles, Calif., where the ...'Carol Hungerford; a n d for former's husband is ...

Article clipped from Press and
— ... Barbara Krissel Clinton lalnhart Richard Landon Maxine Larrabee dward Lindsay Burton Lozier Margaret McClure Verna McCulley Jean Mathews — ... Barbara Krissel Clinton lalnhart Richard Landon Maxine Larrabee dward Lindsay Burton Lozier Margaret McClure Verna McCulley Jean Mathews ...
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Person "Krissel" (2)
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