Barbara Materna Person-Info 

( Ich bin Barbara Materna)


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Eisfleld eröffnet: Ägeri on Ice läuft wiederLuzerner Zeitung
— Die neue Projektleiterin, Barbara Materna, habe von der Vorarbeit von Helen Blaser profitieren können, die in diesen Tagen Mutter geworden ...

Barbara Materna | Providence MediaThe Bay Magazine
— Barbara Materna has always loved fiber, fashion and color. “It really has been a lifelong love affair,” she says. After a 20-year career as ...

A colorful collaboration in downtown
— Tish Bodell Hopkins (left) and Barbara Materna are the team behind BABS + Tish, the newest face in Bristol's downtown retail scene.

Winter magic has begun - Zug4YouZUG4YOU
— Aegeri on Ice opens the ice rink on Saturday afternoon. Pictures: Stefan Kaiser, Unterägeri. The new project manager, Barbara Materna, has been ...
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