Barbie Doll Person-Info 

( Ich bin Barbie Doll)


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Another View - Show a beautiful talent
[Lovely County Citizen] - In they gave me a Barbie doll. I seriously thought that I would maybe DIE without one. By the time I was 16, I thought I just had to be in the World's

Google News: Mexican Drug Lord's Unusual Nickname

[IndyPosted] - An early Barbie doll (and Ken doll, who has lost most of his hair) and some of their kitchen furniture. Photographed at Shoreline Historical Museum

Google News: Exclusive: Doll developer Joan Greene on designing Ashton Drake Princess Diana ...

[] - As reported in Gene doll developer and art director Joan Greene inspired by Barbie, doll artist, developer, and art director Joan Greene was at a doll

Now that's the way to put on the Emmys
[Pittsburgh Post Gazette] - Ryan Seacrest chatted up "Mad Men" star Christina Hendricks about the "2 cents" she contributed to the design of her Barbie doll.
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