Barry Joeseph Stiles Person-Info 

( Ich bin Barry Joeseph Stiles)


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Funding for Camborne and Plymouth housing schemes - BBC News
New homes will be built in two deprived urban areas in Devon and Cornwall despite fears government funding would be axed.

Guardian: Get stuck inn. Turn a pub into a home | Property | The Guardian

Disused drinking dens can be bargains bar none, says Anne Caborn.

Barry STILES | The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald
STILES Barry died 22nd January Forever in our thoughts Ellen, Tim, Rachel, Tony and family

Barry Stiles | South West | Business News | Insider › news › south-west › tag
McCann Erickson in Bristol has been appointed to provide PR support to one of Redrow's seven regional divisions - Redrow Homes South West. Articles. News ...
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Name "Stiles" (142)
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