Bas Van Tol Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bas Van Tol)


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Amsterdam's top hotel hotspots
Amsterdam's top hotel hotspots go beyond the remit of providing a bed, giving tourists and residents a range of extras to eat, drink, work and play.

DDW: Broken White
Dutch Design Week 2016

New Volkshotel for Amsterdam from Studio Muller Van Tol - Retail...
Dutch interior designer Bas van Tol of Studio Müller Van Tol, has redesigned the 1960s concrete structure to make the most of its 'optimistic ...

Rocco Verdult Breaks Down Barriers - What Design Can Do
Rather than calling him a designer, his head tutor at the Design Academy Bas van Tol declared him to be a Situationist like Guy Debord.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Bas Van Tol
Vorname "Bas" (1041)
Name "van Tol" (121)
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