Beatriz Martin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Beatriz Martin)


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Good news for bank shareholders as UBS profits rocket | London...
— There are 5,700 UBS staff at the Broadgate offices in London, led by UK chief Beatriz Martin. UBS made profit of $2.1 billion in the third ... › good...

Beatriz Martín, miembro del consejo asesor de RTVE en Andalucía
La onubense forma parte del comité ejecutivo provincial del Partido Popular

Ermotti Counts on UBS Veteran Martin to Clean Up Credit › news › articles › the-ubs-ba...
· Beatriz Martin's first job at UBS Group AG was to help shrink the investment bank after a $2 billion loss from a rogue trader.

Beatriz Martín: «Es necesario generar modelos de ocio alternativos...
La nueva directora general de la FAD habla para ABC
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