Bekim Said Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bekim Said)


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Kosovar refugees fly to new life - UPI Archives
Canada was Bekim's second choice. His first was the Kosovo Liberation Army near his home in Kosovo, but the KLA told the 23-year-old they couldn't use him...

GLAS JAVNOSTI - The Latest News
However, if violence continues, there will be no life neither for the Serbs, nor for the Albanians in Kosovo", Bekim said. Like many ethnics Albanians, Bekim also fled Kosovo, fearing of possible conflict between police and KLA and NATO bombing. After six weeks of wandering throughout Kosovo`s woods, ...

Two boys who turned in more than $4,000 they UPI Archives
Two boys who turned in more than $4,000 they found on the beach still think honesty is the best policy -- even though the owner of the money was less than...

Kosovo Albanians say were tortured, drugged
After the coffee, I suddenly started feeling happy and I confessed," Bekim said. The prosecution said it was impossible that Bekim had forgotten ...
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